FORMEL PREIS KORALL® is designed for use in all coral, Malawi and Tanganyika lakes aquarium. FORMEL PREIS KORALL® delivers, on a calcium basis, the necessary carbonate hardness also regularly required by invertebrates and coral. The product eliminates excessive concentrations of trace elements and adds vital minerals. Protein skimming is simultaneously improved.
Seawater: 20 ml of FORMEL PREIS KORALL® per 100 l of water once weekly. In case of very low carbonate hardness values in the source (tap) water or when using reverse-osmosis water, it is recommended that the dosage be doubled. Carbonate hardness in seawater should not be allowed to fall below 7 degrees. Alkaline freshwater, Malawi or Tanganyika lakes: such freshwater, low in nutrients, should have a minimum carbonate hardness value of 12 degrees. Excessively high concentrations of nutrients are reduced and the deficient carbonate hardness cor- rected.